Sunday, March 21, 2010

What GIVES you $$$ and entertainment?

Fred's little car officially died. There was a hole in the engine and they don't make the engine he needed anymore. Our best option was to put it to out of it's misery.
Fred's dad helped us haul it to a metal recycling facility so we at least got some money out of it. I took the camera because I have to document everything with pictures. After I took one picture I looked at Fred and he looked all excited (I should have taken a picture of him). He said "Take a lot!" are a few.

It causes me pain to describe it because of the 2 day old windshield. :{ (Major tears!) Also because this is the car Fred had when we started dating. Lots of memories and it's so final- no turning back.

We took the new tires off and hopefully we'll be able to sell them. The tractor picked up the car crushing the side windows and carried it off of the trailer. He set it down and adjusted it's grip - including the horn. It honked during the whole "flight". He had to set it down and pick it up again to make the horn stop. Fred said if we take another car there he'd take the tires off again just so he could watch them pick it up---- such a little boy at heart!

So, we spent most of Friday and all of Saturday car shopping. Not my ideal weekend, but even car shopping is fun with Fred because he's so mellow, KNOWS cars, and can walk away from any salesman without feeling bad.

Since the brakes went out on his truck, we're hoping to just get a new truck. Too bad his want list is near impossible to fill: Manual, Diesel, Long bed, Extended cab, Low miles, and Within our price range!

Any leads let us know!

1 comment:

janaebrice said...

Do you find Fred a new car?

While you are out looking for cars, you could find us a car also. Brice's red car died just before Christmas and we are afraid of fixing it, so it is still in the garage.

Hope things are going well?