Monday, March 29, 2010

Not quite warm enough for the park.

But we went anyway, and now Tad has a cold.
When are we ever going to learn not to take our baby to cold places?
I've been waiting for it to warm up so we could take Tad to try out the swings, but I couldn't wait any longer (and Fred needed a break from studying). We weren't out very long & he loved them!

Today we picked up Fred from school (he's dressed up for a research presentation). We got some Wendy's and headed to the park to watch the ducks. Tad loves to follow the birds as they move around. I tried to get him to help me feed the ducks but went they got close he'd turn and hug my leg like he was scared. It's amazing how much he's changed lately, becoming a little toddler, and very opinionated.

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