Monday, August 8, 2011

Toddler Tad Turns 2!

 After a long night at the wedding, Tad was nice enough to let us sleep in until 9am!   He got cute jammies from grandma and grandpa (They took him home early from the wedding because he didn't get a nap all day and was ready to go.) 
 He helped mommy get ready for church while wearing his "Cowey Hat". 
 Since he's obsessed with ties, we got him a few new ones.
After church we found a birthday card from my sister's family in CO.   Tad was so excited.  (He now goes around the house and takes everything out of any envelope he finds.)  (When they called and sang happy birthday on my vm, Tad kept trying to blow the phone like candles.) 

Tad got a nap after lunch, while Fred and I scurried to get the party ready.   BBQ chicken, Roasted potatoes, corn on the cob, cornbread, and a lemon-lime tractor cake!
(Don't look close, it's probably the messiest cake I've ever made!)
(Tad is sitting on my lap as I type, singing happy birthday to himself and trying to blow out the candles again.)

More presents than any 2 year old should get!   Thank you families for spoiling him - and helping stock his wardrobe. 

He had to clap with everyone else after he blew out his candles. 

Pushing "Dolly" in the swing.  (Funny moment at the party, I was opening some clothes for Tad from Gma & Gpa and found 2 baby outfits, I thought for sure they were for my sister-in-law, and turned to give them back to my mom, nope, they're for Tad's Dolly! They're size Premie and fit perfectly!)
A friend made this for Tad- it is the cutest stuffed horse I've ever seen, and it's crocheted!

We found a helmet and cheap scooter for Tad's birthday present.  We're hoping the 2 front wheels prevent too many accidents.   It'll take awhile to get down the coordination of pushing off, but he seems to like it. 

Tad had his 2 year appointment today.  35lbs, 37.5 inches, 99th percentile.  So glad that we're just moving to yearly appointments now.
He did have to get one shot.  He's been kind of emotional today and I thought for sure he'd cry, but he just gave the nurse a weird look, and checked out his cool orange bandaid.  (His new word of the day.) 

When we got home, there was another package in the mail from Fred's sister back east.  A cool farm set that makes animal noises.  
 I'm not sure which aunt taught him to stick out his tongue for pictures. 

1 comment:

janaebrice said...

We love the picture of Tad with our card. It would have been fun to talk with him, instead of leaving the message. But we think it is funny that he blow at the phone.

We love you!! Hope to see you in December.