Saturday, November 7, 2009

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, it's back to work I go...

So, I started back to work on October 30th. Yes, a Friday. It was a great day to start back. I dropped Tad off at Grandma Lyons' then drove to SL. Once there I checked email, chatted, ate a chili potluck, Fred brought Tad down so we could show off his Ant costume. Then I did a little work (our system was down part of the day), chatted, a co-worker brought in her little boy, then I did a little more work, and finished off the day chatting. :} Productive huh?! It's weird to go back to work where you're used to being "non- mom" and coming home to a baby. Two very separate lives.
Overall the day wasn't bad. The best part was coming home and seeing Fred hanging out with Tad. On the kitchen counter was a rose in a cup. Fred said he'd brought it down to give to me at work, but forgot it in the car when he got the stroller out. He's not thrilled with me being back at work - he's very supportive though. My boss has a bunch of business trips this month so I figured I'd give it a week to decide if I was staying until the end of December or just until after her main trip.
The weekend was rough as Fred worked both Saturday & Sunday, then we started back into the work week where I don't see him as much. Luckily Grandma & Grandpa Lyons watch him Monday -Thursday. My dad said he'd watch him on Friday if things didn't work out, but of course Nanny Drysdale & Pompa need a turn on Fridays. They both live close so it's not a big hassle to drop him off in his jammies and head to work. I've been very grateful that Fred drops him off and picks him up 3 days a week.
I did tell my boss on Friday that I was giving my 2 weeks notice. I didn't want to be the typical Utah mom that works for a week then quits to stay at home. But....Fred and I have always had a close relationship and working has put a strain on it, we never see each other. My boss didn't handle the news very well even though she knew I was planning to quit at the end of the year. Hopefully things are a little more mellow Monday.
I don't know how we're going to do it. Fred told me Friday night that he can already tell a difference in my stress level and that I seem happier. I'm excited to be able to teach Tad how to do more things and focus more attention on Fred. He has one semester left! Then he should be able to work full time again. It'll be tight for a couple of months, but I think overall we'll be happier.
Who wouldn't want to be home with this?! (He sucks his thumb and folds his ear over.)

1 comment:

Seth & Kirie said...

Oh man...can't wait to hear about how T took the news. Eeeek! We haven't been to nice to her this year, eh?

After popping in, I can't say I regret our move to LV :) I miss a certain co-worker ;), but other than that...yeah, I don't miss it at all!