Saturday, November 7, 2009

Picture obsession?

My name is Marcinda and I have a picture obsession......
Do they really have a photographers anonymous group? :}
Tad is 3 months old! This time I didn't dig out my backdrop though, we went outside. I'm so happy that the weather has been warm even in November.

Here are pictures of our little tyke!

Jasper is finally learning to come around. He didn't even run when Tad made noises. (Talking to the leaves.)

He loves to be outside. These 2 pictures are funny because he was focusing so intently on picking up the leaves and so proud when he finally did it. (Of course they headed straight to his mouth.)


Anonymous said...

Such a cutie. And, I love reading the Marcinda rants!

Christen said...

Fun pictures. and if there was a photographers anonymous I would be in that group too. How can you not take pictures when your kids are so adorable!!!!1