Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just how chunky is he?

At 2 1/2 months, Fred was guessing 16 lbs, I was guessing 15 lbs. The dr's verdict is.... 15 1/2!!! :} He's also 25 inches long. The doctor says not to be surprised if he towers over both of us (Fred is 6' & I'm 5'6").
They recommend 1-2 lbs a month, Tad gained 4 1/2 in 6 weeks. That's why we call him "Chubs".
Tad had a rough morning but handled it very well. He's sleeping through the night 12-8am! However, that made us rush for his 8:45am appointment. He did not like the idea of a bottle at all, so he was fussy. He did well as the doctor and his assistant poked at him. The doctor said I look sane for having a 2 month old - I'll take that as a compliment.
I managed to get Tad to take part of a bottle before taking him downstairs for his shots. He fell asleep so the medicine by mouth was easy. Then he had to have 3 shots. He did his little scream where he doesn't breathe & his face turned tomato red. As soon as I picked him up he snuggled into my shoulder and was fine, not even a whimper! He's such a good kid. He even fell back to sleep in his carseat.
The only bad part for me is thinking that we still have to go in to get shots at 4 mos, 6 mos, ...... seriously? Poor kids & parents. I am happy that the doctor's office has started a "well waiting" area so that you're not as likely to sit between a bunch of sick people. Maybe this flu thing has started something good.

1 comment:

Tina said...

Shots stink! That is cool they have a well waiting area! How nice would that be? I'm so glad he is sleeping so well through the night. It is so much fun to be a parent when the baby sleeps and is happy!!!!