Wednesday, January 26, 2011

What do you do when you don't want to take a nap?

You jump out of your crib.   Not even kidding.  It started around 2:56AM.  Tad woke up for a bum change.  Fred gave him a bottle at 3:30AM.  Tad sleeps through the night, even when he's sick!  Not last night.... Fred & I took turns with him.  He wasn't upset, he was just in his crib jibbering.  Seriously, GO TO SLEEP!  I finally rocked him to sleep around 6AM.  I was NOT happy!   Being as stubborn as I am,  I decided that I wasn't going to let him sleep in.  I dragged my own butt out of bed and got him up for our usual routine.  He acted tired around lunch time, so I fed him and put him down for a nap.  He spent the next 1 1/2 hours practicing new noises.  He'd teach himself a sound then do it 10 times.  (Kind of funny, mostly annoying.)  Fred & I took turns laying him down again.  He never got grumpy, just hollering jibberish- and my 2 favorite words "Buh-dy" & "Daddy".
As we were reading our scriptures (conveniently we were studying how blessed Eve was to be part of The Fall so that she could have kids..... really?)  :} We hear this "THUD".  We went into his room and found him on the floor.  
He didn't cry for a minute, I'm guessing it knocked the wind out of him and scared him.  Fred rocked him for awhile and he calmed down pretty quick AND finally started to look like he'd fall asleep.  It was almost time for his afternoon bottle, so we gave him one and put him back down- this time he successfully went to sleep.  
So, how do you teach your 18 month old not to jump out of his crib?  It's not like you can show him "If you're going to climb out, do it safely, like this."  :}  I guess that means we're onto getting him a new "Big-boy" bed.  Maybe just a mattress so the fall is only 5 inches!
(Fred and I aren't jumpy parents, but I have to say, as I hear him jibbering in his room now that I put him to bed for the evening, I'm a little on edge.... waiting for another THUD.)

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