Monday, January 17, 2011

Eating on his own.... occasionally

Between Christmas and New Years Tad decided he finally wanted to work on feeding himself. He does pretty well, but his desire has faded. He is a really good eater -- I'm going to have a hard time being patient as he learns to feed himself because it's going to take 3x as long as if I just did it. On a happy note, he's doing a ton better with textures. Probably because he has a mouthful of teeth!
(His "cheese" face - looks more like squinting.)
He's starting to show more and more of his personality.

He also decided the first part of January that he needs to climb. On EVERYTHING! The laundry baskets were hours of entertainment climbing in and out. And lately it's been climbing in and out of dad's boots. :} Oh yeah, and moving his little table around the front room. He'll push it clear across the room then pick up the chairs and carry them to the table's new location to tuck them in.

Tad's new words are: Ta-da & Uh-oh. Example: I can tell what he's doing in the morning when he wakes up because you hear "Ta-da" (as one blanket is thrown out of the crib) followed by an "uh-oh" (when the other one is thrown out).
One day last week he threw his tie in his garbage can, when I took him in his room to get socks he said "look" and pointed to the garbage can. :} So helpful!

1 comment:

Tina said...

He is so cute!! I love the picture with him in the big shoes. We need to introduce our children.