Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Baby Tad

"It" has finally arrived. I have to say I was leaning towards a girl, but could not be happier with a perfect baby boy. I was tired of being prego and the doctor said we could be induced Friday night at midnight so that technically I'd be 41 weeks. Her nurse called later Thursday afternoon to say they moved it up to THAT NIGHT!!!! because it was the doctor's husband's birthday on Saturday and she wouldn't be available. We spent the evening doing last minute cleaning around the house and relaxed a little.
Unfortunately our nosey little neighbor noticed that our car wasn't home at midnight and sent a message to Fred's mom on Facebook. We're still peeved .... (Yes, the same friendly neighbors that trapped our cat.) We can't wait to move!!!! Our families were both fantastic with letting us have time to ourselves & we've REALLY appreciated the meals they've brought.
So, into the hospital we went at midnight. They started IVs around 2am, broke my water at 3am, I gave into the pain around 5am and asked for the epidural. I would have been able to sleep great after that if it weren't for the nurses coming in to check every 30 minutes!
Finally around 1pm it was time to start pushing. Definitely not bad with an epidural. Tad was born at 3:27pm. At a perfectly healthy 8lbs 8oz & 20.5" long. He has pretty dark brown hair and according to all the doctors "big hands & feet". He looks EXACTLY like Fred's baby picture. We have yet to find something about him that looks like me. :{
They did a lot of the checkups in the same room I was in so Fred was able to be by Tad & I was able to see both of them. I'm also very grateful for one of the nurses that offered to take pictures during the delivery for us. Overall, it was not a bad experience at all.
The worst part has got to be the recovery, once again nurses bugging me every 30mins to run vitals on me or the baby. I was super excited to leave the hospital.
We're doing pretty good and hopefully will be able to have an outing to the county fair this weekend!
Of course the blog wouldn't be complete without a few more pictures!


Seth & Kirie said...

Oh my adorable! Congrats my dear! I'm super bummed I'm not in Utah to meet him :( Seriously, he is super super cute! How is being a mom? That's so crazy to me...you have a baby!!!

Tina said...

He is cute!! I'm so happy for you! You guys are a cute family!!!!!!

Becky Knowles said...

YAY! I'm so glad that he is here. And, he really is adorable. I hope you can get a little rest and recover. LOVE YOU guys!

Christen said...

Congrats on an absolutely adorable boy!! I'm glad the pregnancy is over and now you can enjoy your little one. But make sure you get your rest. Nothing is worse than having a new mom being sleep deprived. Take care and congrats to you both.

L. Kelly said...

Congratulations....He is so cute!!!