Thursday, March 5, 2009

Nursery plans & 4 month picture

I made Fred spend almost a whole day helping me pick out material for the crib set. I say “made” but really, he was pretty opinionated! (And helpful! He was the one that found the blue moon & star print that matches perfectly!) I had bought the top piece of material with the moon and sheep a few years ago and was debating whether I really wanted it as the main print- Fred asked what was wrong with it? (I don’t know whether that was to get me to stop taking him into fabric stores or because he really likes it.)
After picking out the matching fabrics I’m really excited to get started! I decided I’d rather make my own crib set to save a little money and because I didn’t think I’d be able to find a set that matched my moon & star theme I wanted.
We’re painting the bottom ½ of the room blue, the top ½ a light yellow, with a medium blue chair rail. I’m stenciling darker yellow stars around the top border- if I’m really motivated I want to paint words to a song Fred started singing to me when we first started dating. “I see the moon, the moon sees me, the moon sees somebody I want to see…” We’ll see if I’m that motivated! Years ago (yes, I’ve known forever how I wanted to do a nursery) I even found this great mirror with a moon face as the frame! And a good friend gave us a giant – super soft – stuffed bear for the baby too- I can’t wait to put all the finishing touches on the room….. I should get started!

I've felt like I've been showing for months, I feel really "thick". :} And I swear maternity shirts add 10 lbs when you wear them! In the picture you can barely tell, but the baby is definitely growing. (18 weeks)

We had a dr. visit last night - I was afraid the baby would be a flasher when we're trying NOT to find out what we're having. Lucky for us the baby must've been sleeping - it was laying on it's belly facing my back and wouldn't even look at us! :} It's about 1/2 lb, strong heartbeat and everything looks good.


Tina said...

You look SO cute!! I love your material for your crib set. You are super motivated to make it all. You are awesome! I found some cute maternity clothes at the store Shade. Just to let you know :)Have a great day! Tell Marty HI!!

Christen said...

You hardly look pregnant. Lucky you. That is so fun for you to be in a home already and have fun getting the nursery ready. Be motivated now, because when the baby comes, you'll be amazed how fast time flies. Especially because you will be staring at that adorable face all day long.

Christen said...

By the way, here is our email address. shoot me an email and I will invite you to our blog. Hope things are going well.
Christen and Noah