Monday, June 13, 2011

Everybody loves a puddle.

(Evidently, Tad is quite the poser.) 
Tad is loving having his cousins in town!  Today J. and Tad jumped in the gutter in the rain.  Such a simple thing, but I loved watching them and it gave me a chance to start teaching him to move onto the sidewalk if there's a car coming.  (Hard to believe J. is 6 already- my kid is a giant!)
 I also REALLY appreciated the older boys and Bro-in-law coming over to spend their vacation day digging a hole in my yard so Fred could fix the rusted out valve to the sprinklers.  Good thing it has rained a lot so we haven't NEEDED them yet. 
Tad's a pretty impressive puddle jumper (probably because it combines his two favorite things - water & jumping)!

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