Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy Helper....but are we happy he's helping?

 First, Valentine's day.   We had a Fantastic brunch outing.  Tad was wonderful, stacking the coffee creamer and drinking his water.  (He'd pretend to pour the creamer in his water---- no idea where he learned that!)   He even tried some of our cinnamon roll & toast.  I put grape jelly on his toast and he licked it off.  :}  It was SO nice to be out and not have to have his diaper bag of toys..... I love Tad growing up!

In Nursery on Sunday the leaders let the kids decorate cookies for their families.  While the other kids devoured their cookies, Tad wouldn't touch his.  I finally got him to taste it later.  He ate the bumps off the top of the heart and that's it!  He also practiced his licking (not sure if I like this new skill). 

 Daddy has been working on my car and Tad is in HEAVEN every time I let him go outside.  Fred's a good sport about letting Tad play with his tools - except Tad usually "NEEDS" the one that daddy is using.  We give him other tools and tell him to fix the snowmobiles.   When we get out of the truck he has to walk through the carport looking for Daddy.  It's so fun to watch him idolize his dad-- hopefully he always likes helping dad fix things and will learn a lot!   We're going to have to get him some more grungy clothes because he's not afraid of dirt and grease at all----grrr!
Tad absolutely loves being outside and we're excited for spring!  We've learned we need to shut our gate though - the other day I saw Tad in the road!   SCARY!!!   (The truck was parked out there and I think he was just going to it.  I have a new appreciation for neighborhood speed limits!)

 Since it was so windy outside today I made Tad come back inside with me.  He probably would've stayed out there longer, but I was cold and had things to do.  Tad decided he needed to help.......
So he helped me do dishes.  Then got his chair to help me make lunch.  Last night he put the broccoli in the pan as I cut off pieces.  Today, he decided to taste the raw potatoes..... at least he's willing to try things, texture is not as big of an issue lately, yippeee!
Tad's latest quirk is whenever you ask him a question he says "uh-uh".  Even if you know the answer is yes- occassionally he'll nod as he says it.   The first day Fred experienced it he said it felt like opposite day.   It came on fast, hopefully it's a phase that will leave just as fast.  


Seth & Kirie said...

Oh my skinny! You look amazing!

Christen said...

He is growing up so fast!! It's so fun to see what they'll be into next, and sometimes it's scary too.