Thursday, July 8, 2010

Holiday catch-up

I'm a slacker and I know it. Here's a jumbled review of our past few weeks.
* The end of June I was able to hang out with 2 of my favorite past co-workers (funny that they ended up being from the same town). Kirie and I met up for lunch so she could meet Tad. Usually when Tad meets new people he just stares, but he smiled at Kirie through lunch and thankfully sat pretty well. We had our favorite Thursday pasta! Then surprised our previous boss and visited for awhile. I think we're both glad we're not there anymore- they took away our temple view and moved the department to the construction side of the office!
* Saturday we met up with Jen (I met her while working up at Utah State) for the Lehi Rodeo. The livestock wasn't as good as past years, but I always love a chance to hang out with Jen.
*Fred's dad engineered us some new hinges for the gate at the top of our stairs and Tad is thrilled that he can hang out by the stairs without mom freaking out!
*We loved being able to celebrate the 4th of July all weekend! Usually we're rushing from one thing to another to make sure we celebrate with both families but this year was a little more relaxing. Saturday we drove to Henefer for Bingo & 10 cent ice cream cones! (The hilight of my 4th!) We watched the parade and Tad didn't cry as the firetrucks passed with their sirens. He loves to bend over to pick things up, but it always goes straight into his mouth. It's nice to have a kid so they'll actually throw candy towards us! We bbq'd with the cousins, played a game then headed home. I went shopping with my sister to pick up last minute things for her house. Then Lauralee, Crystal, Fred, Tad, Mom & Dad & I went to watch the Clearfield fireworks. Tad was beyond tired since he'd only taken a 10 minute nap since 10am that morning, but he seemed to enjoy the fireworks. The seats were fantastic, but the parking was PACKED!
* Sunday- the 4th- Fred & I grilled steaks before he headed to work so that he at felt like he at least got some kind of holiday. I spent the evening hanging out with my family.
* Monday - We met Fred's family for the park breakfast & the parade. I bought a cute wagon for Tad for $20 at a garage sale and it worked perfect! He even took a quick nap before the parade in it! After the parade we headed home and Tad took a good 3 hour nap! Dinner was grilled hamburgers with Fred's family, a quick stop at Aless' birthday party, then off for more fireworks. Tad was pretty cute - he was sitting between Fred & I on a blanket, when I put his blanket over his lap he put his thumb in his mouth and leaned over to lay on Fred. I'm amazed he doesn't cry when we keep him up so late, he gets giggly.
* This week my niece and nephew are in town from Colorado. Tad loves having kids to play with! We went to the park to feed the ducks and play on the toys. And yesterday Brandon hung out with us all day while my parents helped my sister move. We (Fred & Brandon) made paper airplanes (I just helped fly them) & walked to the library and to get shakes!
* We've still got a lot planned this summer and hopefully I'll keep up better on my posts. This week: Family reunion, sprinklers for the kids, & more fireworks, Tad's birthday, the zoo, med school applications, possibly a short family vacation, and Tad eating real food (I'm counting down the days until I don't have to buy formula & puree his food)!
*Since there are so many pictures you just get a slide show. *

1 comment:

janaebrice said...

Thanks for entertaining our kids! Were the paper airplanes from Brandon's pattern book?

It looks like Tad is growing up. Can not wait for visit in two week?