Thursday, May 6, 2010

Graduation - Part 2

We woke up extra early to get ready and get good seats since President Monson was the speaker. We got there before 7am and they didn't even have the doors open yet. After we got our seats, Crystal and I went out in the hall to take pictures of Fred. I was glad she was there to help entertain me. The Grandma's did well at sharing Tad and I was able to take pictures (enjoy the slide show at the end).
Tad did REALLY well. We woke him up a little before 6:30am and he didn't take a nap until about 12:30pm AND he wasn't fussy at all through any of it! I made his little shirt as a surprise for Fred. Back at Christmas my sister gave Fred an "Aggies" t-shirt for Tad to wear, I thought it was only fair that he have one for Weber.
Pres. Monson spoke about the ABC's: Attitude, Belief (in yourself), and Courage. I'm always amazed at how well versed the Prophet and Apostles are, they're very book smart, not just gospel smart. It was rainy outside which made the hallways packed. We barely made it over to the Student Center for Fred's department graduation on time. I was so glad that it was scheduled close to the main ceremony so we didn't have to spend the entire day sitting around. We finally had a chance to take some group pictures before heading to Famous Dave's BBQ for lunch. Fred said he thought he was going to starve to death during the 2nd ceremony. Tad fell asleep on the way to the restaurant but only slept part way through the meal. This kid is amazing.... when we got home from the restaurant we fed him a bottle and he played like normal for 2 more hours. While he played, we packed and when it was nap time again we put him in his carseat so he'd sleep on the drive.
I am so proud of Fred - I might have had to help him the first semester and he let me register him (I'm sure just so I felt like I was helping), but by the end he amazed me by all he was able to do. He studied a lot more than I ever did! He's incredibly smart and can tell you the most random facts - mostly about animals since his degree is Zoology. Now it's on to studying for the MCAT and starting Med School Applications!

1 comment:

janaebrice said...

Congrats! We wish we could have been there.

Let us know about the test results and where you are planning to go next.