Monday, July 27, 2009

No baby yet?!!!!

That's right! 5 days to go and not even close! We went to the doctor on Thursday and the baby is gaining a bunch of weight (12 ounces in 4 days!), luckily I've stopped gaining. (Yipee!) It's up to 7 lbs 13 oz., has a little bit of hair and they chubbiest cheeks ever.
We spent our long Pioneer Day weekend bottling apples. We made delicious apple pie filling, applesauce, apple juice, peacotts & peacott jam. After a few hours of hanging out in the hot kitchen I finally started having a few contractions!
Friday afternoon Fred & I went to IKEA for the first time. What a trip! I can't say we'll be headed back anytime soon. They have some cool / cheap stuff, but it is an insane store. We met Fred's family that night for the Days of '47 Rodeo. It was fun to see President Monson & his family there in a more casual setting.
Saturday we bottled more fruit. Sunday we relaxed a little and walked a mile to my mom's house. The contractions have continued off and on, but nothing worth timing.
Today it was back to work- how depressing! I'm starting to look forward to my time at home for a couple of months but it seems like it's never going to get here. What could the baby possibly be waiting for!!!!


Becky Knowles said...
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Becky Knowles said...

Seriously, what in the world could this baby be waiting for?!?!? Hurry up little baby!

Tina said...

Bottling apples! How delicious!! I'm so so sorry the dear baby has not arrived yet! Tell it to get a move on!!!

Lyndee said...

Hope the baby comes soon! I wish you all the best of luck with delivery! That is the part that scares me the worst!

Amanda said...

It sounds like you need to have a serious talking to with your baby. Hopefully the baby will decide to join you soon enough! Good luck!

Christen said...

hang in there. You are almost there.