Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What will "it" look like?

First of all- I know it seems harsh to call our baby "it" but, since we don't know.... for 5 more weeks!
With all the doctor appointments we're starting to have, we've been able to see a partial face. (No, I still won't post a picture.) Our child is determined that we not really see it's face until it's here - we usually end up with an elbow on one side and a hand on the other. Last time we saw it's little rounded nose and the doctor was trying to guess who's nose it was, mine or Fred's. So, I thought I'd put up both of our baby pictures and let people try to guess what features our baby will get from each of us.

I have to say that neither of us had features that really stood out as a baby. Maybe that's a good thing for the baby!

1 comment:

Tina said...

I think he will look like Fred!!! You are so close! How are you feeling? Are you ready for pregnancy to just be over?