Saturday night at Nannies house, Tad convinced Nannie to let him paint. Nothing new, he HAD to paint earlier this week when I was painting a craft. This time though, he lifted his shirt and painted his belly, then his forehead and cheek. :} Nannie rushed to put his clothes in the wash after a slight scolding. Fred's dad laughed pretty hard because he saw fans on tv with painted bellies.
That is the ONLY place we can think of where he would have learned about painted bellies! I couldn't help laughing when he told me that night "Tad paint belly". My 2 year old is too smart! Surprising that he could already figure things out like that. We are in for some big trouble if he keeps this up! And we definitely have to start watching what we have on the TV and what we say (no more roadrage..... Tad says "Come on cars" everytime we get in the car now). :{
He's using a lot of sentences. Our favorite from the weekend was when Fred was teasing him, he said "Don't eat me daddy." :} And later when he was hiding, "Where's Tad daddy?"