Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What's up dude?

 What a busy couple of weeks!   I was almost over my fear of Tad jumping out of his crib again when I saw him lift his leg like he was going to climb out.   We've been moving around furniture so that we can put his new mattress in his room, it's just going to be awhile still.

We surprised my mom and repainted her hallway and back bathroom.  Tad did amazing at staying out of the way!  I, however, ended up with a nasty burn on my forearm when I painted down and hit it on the bare lightbulb! (Dad got a matching one an hour later!)

 One day Tad decided to dump all of his snacks onto his little chair - I was just grateful it was the chair instead of the floor.  :}

He loves these little chairs (and table) that I got at a garage sale for $5!! He pushes them all over the front room.  His latest thing is to put them in front of the couch, side by side and try to sit on both of them.   He's also discovered a pair of sunglasses. 

Can you believe he has an ear infection?
Tad finally got his first ear infection.   Being a good parent I waited 4 days to take him in.   I refuse to take full blame.  The first day he was really emotional, crying everytime I told him "no".  I figured he was just teething because he also had a fever and runny nose (and I'm expecting all his molars to pop through any day now).  The next day he was fine - back to being happy and jumping around.  Day 3 - he was a little emotional, a little fever again.  Still not pulling on his ears only crying when we laid him down.  Day 4 - Fred said we should probably take him in. (My mom had told me I should on day one - but....)  I was skeptical because he was back to bouncing off the walls.  The doctor took a quick look, told us he did a good job, they were both fiery red.
I took this picture of him after his doctor's appointment.  I hadn't given him his antibiotics yet and he was still this happy.   After one dose of the antibiotics you could tell he felt even better!  And, he loves to take his medicine - yippeee!   (Doesn't he also look so big?!)
The only thing I don't have a picture of is his temper tantrums.  I'll try to get one, but a picture won't do it justice - it's a complete flop on the ground.  Hilarious! - Fred & I just walk away. 

One last note - a disgusting one.   Tad learned he can play in the water in the toilets.  He doesn't do it at our house - just Nannie & Pompa's.  We were over for the Superbowl and I heard Tad in the bathroom.  I went to check and his hand was wet.  A few minutes after I'd washed his hands with lots of soap, he runs through the kitchen to the other bathroom and shuts the door.  Before I could get to him he'd "gone fishing" again!  This kid loves water - unfortunately, that's DISGUSTING!
I bought him a little swimming pool for $2!  HURRY SUMMER! 

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