Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Tad the two year old

I know, I know, you're all waiting as anxiously as I am for pictures of his first birthday (last Saturday). Unfortunately, my camera is on the fritz. So for now you just get the 1 year old doctor's checkup update.
* He still weighs a tubby 27 lbs. (He lost a pound when he started crawling, but gained it back.) The dr said if he hadn't been big all along he'd be concerned, so we'll just watch him. He says Tad isn't fat, just built, and he'd be surprised if he doesn't play football.
* He's 31 inches tall.
* He got 4 shots, his face turned tomato red, and he cried for about 30 seconds. He's been a little fussy tonight, but not bad.
I looked up the average weight and height of a two year old male, 26.4 lbs & 31 inches tall. See! I have a 2 year old. Besides that, he's been having slight tantrums to further convince me.
He also started walking on his own on Monday! Fred's dad said he'd walk if he'd stop thinking about it and the very next day Tad was toddling around the house walking everywhere - no hands!
Hopefully I can fix the camera soon, words won't do his birthday justice. :}

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