Friday, July 16, 2010

Not so little anymore - 11 months!

Tad has grown a lot this past month. I LOVE sitting on the couch and watching him play - he's HILARIOUS!!! I dug out some of mine & Fred's old toys as well as our collection of balls and outside toys. The other day he stuck a plastic bug net on the shelf of our entertainment center and another toy on the shelf above it. He's also learned to stuff things under chairs or his playpen. (Hopefully I can catch it on video.) I'm absolutely adoring our little boy and the fun things he does.
* He still LOVES to walk everywhere. He's so proud when he walks by himself, but he still won't do it often.
* He goes from standing to falling face first onto his hands (in a bear crawl) to get down to crawl.
* If the bathroom door or refrigerator door is open he "runs" to it.
* He's starting to eat cheerios - but overall not a fan of texture still.
* He's 26 whopping lbs! (He lost a pound when he started to crawl.)
* He loves to shut doors and has mostly learned how to open them to get back out.
* He has 7 teeth (4 on top, 3 on bottom).
* His hair started out dark brown but now it's a really light brown.
* He has daddy's smile & momma's eyes.
* Seeing a blanket automatically forces his thumb into his mouth - it's magical!
* He thinks he needs to be lifted up to see everything momma does. He'll wiggle in between me & the counter and bounce up and down until I lift him up or move him to another room.
* He still doesn't realize his daddy picks on him. He loves Fred and cuddles most with him.
(Fred teaching Tad how to roll down a grass hill- is this child abuse? )
I took Tad's 11 month pictures a little late. I know I'm biased - but he's adorable (and so grown up)!

1 comment:

Seth & Kirie said...

Tad is seriously adorable - I wish we lived closer so I could see you guys more often :(