Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 new teeth!

Tad was such a grumpy little guy for a few days. He never cried in pain, he was just ornery. Tuesday his top 2 teeth finally popped through and we could tell! He was his happy little self again. It was like night and day! I'm glad it didn't last long and I'm actually grateful he was grumpy so I could appreciate what an amazingly happy boy he is.

I'm also officially offended. :} Tad loves his Aunt Crystal and will do anything for her.... here's proof!

Fred and I tried earlier in the day to get a video of him making the Indian sound and he acted camera shy and would barely do it - Crystal comes over and he's more than willing to do it for her and the camera! Fred & I also have been trying to get Tad to walk from the couch to the lazy boy but he stands there and wimpers - Crystal got him to do it right away. That's okay, I'll use it to my advantage and have her help him learn to walk faster!

1 comment:

C said...

Your little boy is so stinking cute!