Tuesday, April 6, 2010


to watch a movie I've been avoiding, by my baby sister.... I get to call her that because she's a foot taller than me and makes more money than me. :}
It started with the Bachelor- dumb I know, but we would get together every Monday night for dinner and the show. It's become a fun weekly EVENT. Since the Bachelor is over we've had to find other things to watch. Crystal told me that I had to watch whatever movie she brought over. I agreed, but she wouldn't tell me for 2 weeks what it was. Last night she came over and said it's not this one..... and held up Twilight. My heart almost stopped. I've avoided the whole vampire saga. I haven't read the books or seen the movies. (I won't read the books or watch the Harry Potter series either.) She said that we weren't watching that one, she had one more in her bag. I figured it was a chic flick that I've said before that I didn't want to watch. She pulls out..... New Moon. I didn't know it could get worse! :}
Fred said we couldn't watch the second one first. So, we ate chicken enchiladas and watched Twilight.
Next week is New Moon - before I come back to my senses. :}
(It wasn't really that bad, but I'm still not going to read the books or even see it in the theatre, I'll only watch them when Crystal forces me to watch them.)


Seth & Kirie said...

The movie was HORRIBLE!!!! Seriously - it caused me pain just watching it.

The books on the other hand, it's hard for me to admit, but they are worth reading. I won't tell anyone if you do. Hahaha.

The Little sister said...

YOU LOVED IT!!!! Thanks for bearing with me. One more week and then you can choose what torture you decide to put me through. :)

(I only make more money because I go to work, you have a much more enjoyable job!)

Becky Knowles said...

So I HAVE read all the Harry Potter books, the Twilight books, and seen all the movies.....The Twilight movie was TERRIBLE. New Moon was a little better. But, Twilight......there are no words.

Christen said...

I loved the books, but didn't like either movie. Vampires aren't all that bad.