Saturday, October 25, 2008

Friday night Drag......

Friday night was a riot! Fred's co-worker Robbie was performing in a drag show. Fred got the evening off to go, at first I was bugged he was using a vacation day for a Drag show, but it was pretty entertaining.
We showed up at the Paper Moon (Lesbian Bar) around 9pm. We thought we were a little early, but it was already starting to get crowded. There was a great little bench along the right side of the stage so I hurried to save it for us while Fred grabbed us sodas. We could not have looked any more straight if we tried!!!!! :}
There was so much to look at- I don't mean that in a derrogatory way- yes I'm a little naive when it comes to bars, then throw in some Drag Queens and I am all about the people watching! I have to say when Robbie came out to mingle he looked great! He was in some dress pants & a form fitting red shirt & heels- completely accessorized down to the Betty Boop purse he was carrying. He walks better than I do in heels!
Fred's other co-workers showed up about 15 minutes later and sat across the stage from us. I was impressed at how many people came to support (mock?) Robbie - at least 20 people just to see him perform.
The show started off with this rather large bald wo-Man in a very short dress performing. Followed by a couple of other odd performances - including a dracula song by a female couple, & a fire show by another. It was fun to watch the performers acknowledge each person that put a tip in the pitcher at the corner of the stage.
About 1/2 way through the show they announced "Kylee" and out comes Robbie in this great black dress. (During the mingling all the other performers were already in their sparkly outfits. I had hoped Robbie had a different outfit for performing.
SHe performed to "Girls Just Wannna Have Fun". It was AWESOME! Very impressive that guys can dance that well in heels!
The reigning "Princess" performed last and I have to say I saw more of a man in girl clothes than I've ever wanted to! I really wasn't that impressed with his performance- obviously "Kylee's" was the best.
He changed into street clothes before we could get a picture with him, but he still had most of his makeup on. I chatted for a minute with Fred's friends while Fred went to close our tab. While he was standing at the bar an older lady kept looking at him, leaning over to look at his hand. Finally he put his left hand flat on the bar and she looked away.
The other funny thing that happened was this short, older bald guy was walking around in a devil costume- Fred looks at him for a minute then says "I know that guy..... from the Army!" (Don't Ask Don't Tell, huh?)
The worst part of the whole night was the smoke. Ughhh! The smell on my clothes the whole drive home was awful! The 2nd bad part is that we had agreed to help Robbie & Jedidiah move into their new house this morning at 8am (It wasn't that bad at all - just early)! Robbie showed up at IHOP for breakfast with a little eye makeup still on. :}

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are the best straight, LDS people in the world. Don't ever change!!