Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We've been....

Working in the garden.  He'll ask "ready?" before he picks them.  :}  We've already picked 27 cups this year!

Tad has learned how to swing in the big swing by himself.   I swear he's not afraid of anything!

We finally visited the HAFB museum.  Pretty cool. 

Helping dad wire the truck for our trailer.  Now Tad "fixes" everything.  Last night he laid under the foot rest of the couch and "fixed" Crystal's feet.  :}

Can you tell he wants to be just like daddy?  

Fred and I took off for a week to help trail sheep with my Uncle.  It was supposed to be a glorious week in the mountains, while Tad stayed with Grandma & Grandpa..... We came home after 3 days because I got the flu from my cousins' kids.  :{ 

It was nice while it lasted.  :} 

The Days of '47 parade in SLC. 

We had great seats and enjoyed lunch at the Gateway before a 2 hour nap for each of us!  :}  And fireworks at our house. 

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

He can talk!

Tad has started talking the end of June and for the most part it's pretty fun! (After about the 30th time of hearing "Mom" I get annoyed.)
He's been learning a lot of things the past couple of weeks. (I put pictures in a slideshow below because there were so many.)
* Words he knows: Tie, hat, church, juice (means a drink), bus, truck, Cars (he loves the movie), horse, candy, bye (he says it with an accent, I really need to get it on video), hello, nks (thanks), trick, shoes, socks, purse, dolly, daddy, work (if you ask where daddy is), mom, keys, please, book, TRACTOR, pompa, Nannie, Crystal, Lauralee, Ernie, hot, knock-knock, kitty, go, "Where are you?", cookie (sounds like truck-key), teeter-toter, swing, ready, Battery (he wants me to put it in the exercise bike so he can play on it).
* He's getting better at tearing bread for the ducks- we still need to work on his throwing the bread.
* He taught himself how to swing on the trampolene frame. Now he always tries to swing if he's holding 2 people's hands.
* He taught himself to go down his slide head first.
* He learned he can go swimming in his pool in his clothes..... Mom's a sucker and didn't get mad, just changed him into a swimming suit and let him continue playing.
* He ate a whole hot dog without freaking out on the 4th of July. He'll loves watermelon.
* He's obsessed with his church tie and tries to put it on himself, he also wears his hat all day (if mom's not hiding it).
* Unfortunately, he's also learned to throw tantrums. When you ask him to pick something up and he doesn't want to he'll grunt and reach out, like he can't reach it, or he'll try to pick it up and grunt like it's too heavy (even though he just dropped it). The other time is when you make him come inside, he sits at the bottom of the stairs and acts like he's dying.
* He can climb on his teeter-toter by himself, but can't quite get it to go.
* He can make his bed with help!
* He pretends to say his own prayer or help dolly say his prayers.
It's fun to see him learn, but also scary wondering where he learns some things.
** He's also learning to tell on himself when he does something wrong. He reminded me of two words I forgot he knew: Color.... He colored on my exercise bike. When I asked him if he knew why he was in trouble he said "Color". And just a minute ago, he put something in the fish tank. After another timeout, I asked if he knew why he was in trouble and he said "fish". He makes this easy huh?!

Growing fast! (4th of July)